About Aina Puig

Hi! I’m a PhD candidate in economics at American University and Dissertation Fellow at the Federal Reserve Board for Summer 2024. I visited the University of Pennsylvania for Spring 2024.

I will be on the job market during the 2024-2025 academic year.

My research interests are in macroeconomics and inequality topics. I have worked on projects studying the distributional effects of monetary policy while visiting the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and the International Monetary Fund.

Working Papers

“New Survey Evidence of Marginal Propensities to Consume: A Decomposition of Differences by Race” (2024) Job Market Paper

“Monetary Policy Transmission to Consumption: Inequalities by Gender and Race” (2024)

  • Previous title: “Monetary Policy Transmission by Gender and Race: The Inequality Unexplained by Income”


“Monetary Policy and Labor Market Gender Gaps,” with Valentina Flamini, Diego B. P. Gomes, Bihong Huang, Lisa Kolovich, Aleksandra Zdzienicka (Link) IMF Working Paper No. 23/211, International Monetary Fund (2023).

“The Unequal Effect of Interest Rates by Race, Gender,” (Link) Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Economic Letter 2022-19 (2022).

Works in Progress

“Consumer Responses to Fed Communications: Prior Beliefs, Consumption, Demographics” (2024)

“Unpaid Elderly Care Work and Women’s Labor Force Participation: The Case of South Korea,” with Selin Secil Akin, Sung Ah Bahk, Lidia Brun Carrasco, Ignacio Gonzalez Garcia